Public Art Collection
Art enhances public places and illustrates the story of our community.
The City of Arlington supports the acquisition of art for public places. In 2007, Arlington City Council adopted an ordinance that sets aside 1% of the cost of construction projects for the acquisition of new public art.
Arlington Arts Council facilitates the acquisition of art. The not-for-profit organization is committed to bringing quality art experiences to the community of Arlington.
AAC presents one major fundraiser each year, the Fall into Art Auction to raise funds for public art and art activities for all ages.

Virtual Tour
Public Art of Arlington
“Split Passage” sculpture by Karla Matzke, 172nd roundabout, Coming 2023
Farm photos on bus stops, by Kevin Krieg, Kent Prairie neighborhood, Coming 2023
Bird Bench, design by Monica Bretherton and Newell Corporation, for 173rd Street, Install 2023
Airplane Bench #2, fabricated by Newell Corporation, located on the Airport Trail 2022
Holiday Art Banners, by Monica Schriver, 2022
Raven chainsaw carving, by Jacob Lucas, located on Centennial Trail by Division Street, 2022
Mosaic glass in the Peace Plaza wall, by Seattle Mosaic Artists, located on Centennial Trail, 2022
Orca Fence Art, by Erika Bruss and Friends, 2022
“Wonderland” bench, by Lance Carleton, located at senior center bus stop, 2022
Additions to the Skatepark murals, by Josh Robinson & Friends, 2022
Garden Mural at the Cemetery, by Shiela Arnold, 2022
Mural of the Stillaguamish River by Andy Eccleshall, Olympic Ave. Minifie Plaza, 2022
Haller Park neighborhood interpretive sign, 2022
Interpretive art map for Centennial Trail 2022
Designs for banners for 173rd Street by Pilar Dowell 2022
Mini Art Exchange Gallery, by Mason Diemer, on the Centennial Trail, 2021
“Ball of Fun” by Lin McJunkin and Milo White, at Quake Park, 2021
Holiday Banners by Vicki Johnson, 2021
“Wings” photo op, by Lori Angdahl, 2021
Peace Plaza Obelisk Glass, by Gerry Newcomb, 2021
Dragon metal art by Mike Nordine, Innovation Center, 2021
“Dancing Bears” metal art by Monica Bretherton, 2021
Airplane Bench, design by Sarah Arney and Newell Corporation, at Airport Blvd. 2021
“Leaping Bunnies” by Sarah Arney at Division Street, 2021, Public Art Fund
Tractor at Kent Prairie Roundabout, 2020, Public Art Fund
“AeroVane” sculpture by Wayne Kangas, at Airport Office, 2021, Public Art Fund and Airport
“Rock Cradled” sculpture, by Dan Freeman, 2021, Centennial Trail at 4th Street, Public Art Fund
“Going with the Flow” sculpture by Verena Schwippert, 2020, Airport Blvd. Trail, Public Art Fund
Coastal Community Bank, historical mural, by Harry Engstrom, 2020, Olympic Ave.
“Eagles Come Home” by Caroline Sumpter, 2020 at Gleneagle 67th Ave Entrance, Public Art Fund and Gleneagle Funding
Skatepark Mural, by Josh Robinson and friends, 2020, Public Art Fund
Library Shed Mural by Erika Bruss, and wood Owl by Jacob Lucas, 2020, by Friends of the Library
Community Garden Gate, by Caroline Sumpter, 2020, Public Art Fund
Community Garden Mural by Debi Tucker, 2019, City of Arlington
Bench Painting, by Vicki Johnson, Sarah Arney, Monica Bretherton, 2018-2019
Bee and Rose Fence Art
By Erika Bruss and youth at Centennial Trail, 2019
"Pause" granite bench
By Verena Schwippert on Arlington Valley Road, 2019
"Ottoman" granite bench
By Verena Schwippert on Arlington Valley Road, 2019
"The Silent Hunter" cougar bench
By Jacob Lucas, at Olympic Avenue and 2nd Street, 2019
"Steelies" metal fish at 67th Avenue medians
By Monica Bretherton, Erika Bruss, Mike Nordine and Tim Johnson, 2019
Haiku Rock #2 at Terrace Park, 2018
"Rip Rap" metal and stone sculpture
By Reg Akright, dedicated to George Boulton at City Hall, 2018
Duck Dash, mural reprint, by Jack Gunter,
at Haller Park, 2018
The Depot Barn Quilt
City of Arlington, 2018
Mini Electric City at Legion Park
by Janet Myer and Don Morley, 2018
Cows Return to Jensen Park
Plywood Cows by AAC members 2017
Owl "Kaleidoscope" mural by Erika Bruss
Terrace Park restroom 2017
Owl Silhouettes mural by Kristina Yantis and Erika Bruss
Terrace Park Shelter 2017
Quilt Blocks Mural
Led by Sarah Lopez, painted by Shiela Arnold, Jean Olson Marilyn
Oertle, Sarah Arney
Location: Merchant's parking lot, 2017
Terrace Park Stage Mural Refurbish
By Sarah Arney and Vicki Johnson 2017
Owl Fence Art by Erika Bruss and students
Centennial Trail by Arlington Police Station 2017
Granite Frog by George Pratt
Location: Haller Park 2017 "Sir Hops A Lot"
Centennial Trail Mile Markers by Renee O'Connor 2017
Haiku Rock, poem by Jean Olson
Location: Terrace Park 2017
Going to Ride, mural, image by Janet Myer, painted by AAC members
Location: Haller Park/Centennial Trail bridge pillar, 2016
The Bell, by Steve Bryant
Structure by Sarah Lopez
Location: Centennial Trail/Lebanon Park 2016
Dairy Queens, by Harry Engstrom
Location: Co-Op near First Street and Olympic Avenue 2016
Salmon Pole by Mike Nordine
Location: Kent Prairie Trail off of 204th Street 2016
Embraced by Love, donated by Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Centennial Trail/Legion Park 2016
"Osprey" by Dan Brown
Location: Centennial Trail Bridge at Haller Park
"Kent Baker Memorial Bench" by Lance Carelton
Location: Legion Park, 114 N Olympic Avenue
Date: 2015
"Transporting through Arlington" mural by teens with adult mentors
Location: Arlington Muffler, at Centennial Trail and 4th Street
Date: 2015
Haiku Poetry in 67th Avenue Plaza
"Reclaiming Futures" mural by teens with adult mentors
Location: West Avenue at Burke Street.
Date: 2014
"Rooted Embrace" 15 foot metal tree sculpture by Debbi Rhodes
Location: Centennial Trail at 4th Street
Date: 2014
Donated by Arlington Arts Council
Bird Mosaics by Renee O'Connor in the retaining wall on 67th Avenue, Centennial Trail.
Date: 2014
City of Arlington, as part of 67th Avenue project.
"Sound Garden" Interactive musical instruments located just south of Legion Park on the Centennial Trail. Installed 2012-2013. Funded by the community and the Arlington Arts Council.
Art Banners around town, community art project 2006-2007 and again in 2011. Reprints made in 2014 for 67th Avenue
"Bronze Eagle" by Bill Matheson
Location: City Council Chambers entrance
Date: 2011
Arlington Arts Council
"Waterline" Etched, polished boulders by Verena Schwippert
Location: Lebanon Park
Date: 2011
Arlington Arts Council
"Flat Tire" Bicycle Sculpture by Lance Carleton
Location: Legion Park/Centennial Trail
Date: 2009
Arlington Arts Council
"The Labyrinth" designed by Sarah Lopez
Location: Lebanon Park
Date: 2008
"Streamlife of the Stillaguamish River" Mural painted by Harry Engstrom
Location: Olympic Hill
Date: 2008
Arlington Arts Council and City of Arlington
"Norwegian Story Pole" Sculpture by Steve Jensen
Location: Retired sculpture
Date dedicated: 2008
City of Arlington and Arlington Arts Council
“Center of the Universe” sculpture by Kirk McLean
Location: Plaza at City hall
City of Arlington and Arlington Arts Council
Date: 2007
"The Raven and the Sun" sculpture by James Madison
Location: Centennial Trail
Date: 2008
City of Arlington and Arlington Arts Council
“Grandfather” sculpture by James Madison
Location: Centennial Trail
Date: 2007
City of Arlington and Arlington Arts Council
“Council of Salmon” Clay Salmon by Marguerite Goff
Location: City Hall south side of building
Date: 2007
Paid for by: Arlington Arts Council and the City of Arlington
Mural at Kid’s Kloset by Carey Waterworth, Monica Yantis and other members of the AAC
Location: A Building, old Arlington High School
Date: 2005
Donated by Arlington Arts Council
Sculpture “Dedicated to the Beauty of Earth” by Verena Schwippert
Location: Centennial Trail near Fourth Street
Date: 2005
Donated by Virginia Hatch in honor of Jim Hatch
“Overhead/Underfoot” artwork by Kathryn Glowen
4 pieces: Bleeding Heart, Salmonberry, Staghorn Sumac and Columbine
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Date: 2005
Paid for by Arlington Arts Council and City of Arlington
Glastar Mural by Harry Engstrom
Location: Arlington Municipal Airport
Date: 2005
Paid for by City of Arlington Airport
“Stilly Valley Victorian” farm scene mural by Harry Engstrom
Location: Back of Bowling Alley facing Centennial Trail
Date: 2004
Paid for by City of Arlington PARC
“Salmon Spawning Pool” fish bench by Verena Schwippert
Location: Centennial trail near Burke Street
Date: 2004
Paid for by Arlington Centennial/City of Arlington
“Dairy Queens” cow mural by Harry Engstrom
Location: Co-op on Olympic Avenue near 1st Street
Original "Three Beauties" Mural in a Day at Arlington Art Fair 2004 was retired in 2016, replaced with this replica.
Paid for by City of Arlington
"Seven-foot Wingspan” painting by Verena Schwippert
Location: Arlington High School Library
Date: 2004
Paid for by the Arlington Arts Council
“Tribute to Arlington Firefighters” collage by Arlene Swartz
Location: Arlington Fire Department
Date: 2003
Paid for by the Arlington Arts Council
Community Garden Mural by Tina Wilson
Location: garden shed in the Community Garden across from Arlington Library
Date: 2003
Donated by the Arlington Garden Club
Plane Mural by Harry Engstrom
Location: Arlington Municipal Airport
Date: 2003
Paid for by City of Arlington Airport
“The Run of Number One” train mural painted by Harry Engstrom's Stillaguamish Valley School Mural Class. Designed by Sher Willoughby
Location: Back of store on 4th Street facing Centennial Trail
Date: 2003
Paid for by the Stillaguamish Valley School
“Westside” plants and animals mural by Harry Engstrom
Location: Olympic Hill wall
Date: Centennial project 2003
Paid for by the City of Arlington
Centennial Fountain by Charles Bigger for Washington’s Centennial
Location: Centennial Park, Division St
Date: 1989
Paid for by the City of Arlington

Centennial Fountain 1989

Three Beauties 2004

Overhead/Underfoot 2005

Norwegian Story Pole 2008

Spider Bike Rack 2012

"Rooted Embrace" 2014

"Rip Rap" 2018